Friday, December 12, 2008

Jeep Service Bulletin Torque Converter Shudder.pdf

This Bulletin involves reprogramming the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) with new software and replacing the torque advocate as required. SYMPTOM/CONDITION: The car abettor may acquaintance one or added of the afterward symptoms: **Transmission Shudder - (42RLE), (41TE JS), (62TE JS)** a.This action can alone action afterwards the car has been apprenticed and the torque convertor is accomplished the breach in period. Torque Advocate breach in can be accepted with the StarSCAN®. Torque Advocate Pull In Bump - (41TE/62TE JS) a. This action can action due to brusque torque advocate clamp assurance during EMCC initialization. DIAGNOSIS: Application a Scan Tool (StarSCAN®) with the adapted Diagnostic Procedures accessible in TechCONNECT, verify all engine/transmission systems are activity as designed. If DTC’s added than those listed aloft are present almanac them on the adjustment adjustment and adjustment as all-important afore proceeding added with this bulletin. REPAIR PROCEDURES BY SYMPTOM/CONDITION: Manual Shudder - (42RLE), (41TE / 62TE JS)**: 1. Is the car an LX/LE/L2 that has had Service Account 21-002-07 or 21-002-07 REV. A been performed already? Reprogram the PCM with the latest software application the beam action listed in the beam action below. Afterwards PCM reprogramming, the afterward have to be performed: a. Clear the Variable Line Pressure (VLP) Counters, begin in the StarSCAN® Misc Function Menu. VLP Clear Counters have to be completed on all models with a 62TE manual or if DTC P1745 appears on added manual applications. FLASH REPAIR PROCEDURE - USING THE INTERNET TO RETRIEVE THE FLASH FILE: When assuming this Adjustment Procedure, the software absolution akin in the StarSCAN®; have to be programmed with 8.03 akin software or higher. The software absolution akin is arresting in the dejected attack at the top of the StarSCAN® screen.

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